Prepaid FuneralsThere are many reasons people prepay their funeral service. For many, it’s the peace of mind of having everything organized. There are other advantages. A prepaid funeral service enables youto hedge against inflation, while providing an investment that is safe and government guaranteed.When we plan a prepaid funeral service, we arrange it in the same way we would arrange a funeral service that is required today. We explain all your choices and discuss with you fully what you would like to have included in your funeral service. Your planning can be as brief or as detailed as you wish and accordingly so can the costs. You can pay for every little detail possible or you can pay for the basics and leave the balance to come from your estate. We can tailor the cost of the funeral service to your budget with the option of making regular instalment payments distributing the cost over time or paying the total cost in one payment.Everyone’s choices are different so there can be a great difference in the cost of the funeral service. Your prepaid funeral funds are invested in your name. By law they are placed with an independent investment house that is registered with the State Government.A Stephen Baggs prepaid funeral service also ensures that your funeral service will be carried out by the funeral director of your choice.Continue . . .